International Fidelity Group is the trusted adviser, multidisciplinary service provider, and business procurator of distinguished entrepreneurs, providing access to global resources and sophisticated business solutions from a single contact point.

Investment & Trade

International Fidelity supports clients' cross-border investment plans while guiding them to navigate the various regulatory and practical challenges of being global citizens. It provides organisations with international business development advice, a business assessment of export/import potential, and market research with procurement and distribution resources.

Mergers & Acquisitions

International Fidelity helps businesses find the right acquisition target or the right buyer for those who want to sell. IF Professionals explore global markets to identify suitable Joint Venture partners for clients’ businesses that fit their strategic ambitions and scale up their operations, also determine the business's valuation range and plan the deal placement strategy.

Receivables & Liabilities

International Fidelity can manage the matters of receivables and liabilities out of court through commercial dunning procedures or by means of court proceedings. Companies and individuals in financial difficulty are advised and assisted by administrating their affairs with professional services including corporate recovery, insolvency, and bankruptcies.

Boven de Wolfskuil 3-A24, 6049 LX Roermond
The Netherlands

DAFZA, Office #213, 6 EA Bldg. PO Box: 371473
Dubai - United Arab Emirates